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The Running Man


ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER is running for his life in the high-tech futuristic action-adventure THE RUNNING MAN. Co-starring MARIA CONCHITA ALONSO (MOSCOW ON THE HUDSON), YAPHET KOTTO (ALIEN), DWEEZIL ZAPPA, MICK FLEETWOOD, JIM BROWN, JESSE “THE BODY” VENTURA and, in a critically acclaimed performance, "Family Feud" host RICHARD DAWSON.

The year is 2019. Television is now ruling people’s lives. In the 21st Century, the most popular "audience participation" game show is "The Running Man" – where convicts can win pardons instead of "parting gifts", by defeating murderous henchmen known as "stalkers." The stalkers haven’t had much of a challenge lately... until Ben Richards (SCHWARZENEGGER) came along. Wrongly convicted of slaughtering 1500 innocent people, Richards is the next contestant to fight for his life... and his freedom.

When Running Man host Damon Killian (DAWSON) says "Come on down!", be prepared to pay with your life! But Ben Richards isn’t going down without a fight. Off SCHWARZENEGGER goes into the burned-out sections of Los Angeles to face four of Killian’s ace stalkers: Subzero, wielding his razor-sharp hockey sticks; Buzzsaw, the maniacal motorcycle-riding slasher; Dynamo, practicing his deadly electric shock treatment; and Fireball with his mighty flame-throwing arsenal. Now, the entire country is glued to the tube in a heart-pounding "sudden death" battle!

VHS Release Year

