The Terminator Collection
In 1984, writer/director James Cameron brought two warriors from a nuclear war-ravaged future to battle over the life of a young woman whose yet-unborn son will become the savior of mankind. Sarah Connor is the target of a killer cyborg from the year 2029 that has been sent to win a war against humanity by destroying her. All that stands between her and the Terminator is a young soldier sent back through time to protect her in this explosive action classic.
In 1991, Cameron brought two more terminators to the present to battle over the fate of all mankind. Sarah Connor, now a warrior haunted by nightmares of mankind's inevitable nuclear destiny, is in a mental institution while her young son John is stalked by the T-1000, a liquid metal terminator that is the most deadly killing machine ever created. Arnold Schwarzenegger returns as a reprogrammed terminator sent to protect John in a tour de force of astounding visuals which remains a touching and emotional human story.
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