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Metallica: $19.98 Home Vid Cliff 'Em All


Well we finally went and did what we always talked about not doing, releasing a vid!!

Before you throw up in disgust let us (except K...) tell you the idea behind this.

First of all, this is not your typical shit home vidio (it's worse) done with high-tech camera production and sound, its a compilation of boot leg footage shot by sneaky metallifux, stuff shot for T.V. that was never used, but we've held onto, home footage, personal fotos & us drunk.

But most important, it's really a look back at the 3 1/2 years that Cliff was with us and includes his best bass solos and the home footage & pix, that we feel best capture his unique personality & style.

The quality in some places ain't that happening but the feeling is there and that's what matters!!

Creeping Death '86

Am I Evil? 86

Damage, Inc. 86

Master of Puppets 86

Whiplash 83

The Four Horsemen 85

Fade to Black 85

Seek & Destroy 85

Welcome Home (Sanitarium) 86

For Whom The Bell Tolls 85

No Remorse 83

Metal Militia 83

VHS Release Year

