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A competition as dangerous as its name: Bloodsport.

Are you a martial-arts fan? An action fan? Then you'll be a Bloodsport fan, too!

Bloodsport is the movie that takes you where few have ever gone — inside the hidden Hong Kong arena where elite combatants clash in the Kumite, the little-known but hotly-contested world championship of full-contact fighting. No Westerner had ever won this single-elimination, battle-royale tournament until the arrival of an iron-willed American. His name: Frank Dux. His story: Bloodsport, a thrilling, true-life triumph of bedrock courage, uncanny skill, and unflinching loyalty.

Starring as Dux (that's "Dukes," as in "put 'em up") is Jean-Claude Van Damme, a handsome strongman previously cast as a villain in No Retreat, No Surrender. Van Damme's first headlining role is perfect for his appealing mix of physique, charm and martial-arts expertise.

Perfect, too, is the film's colorful gallery of supporting players. Donald Gibb is Dux's pal, a beefy, beer-swigging warrior. Leah Ayres is the moxie reporter determined to file a story on this secret championship that's like "a cockfight, except with people." And veteran actor Roy Chiao is the ailing mentor Dux has vowed to honor with a Kumite victory.

Bloodsport pulses with the excitement of one-on-one competition — and the drive of a man who refuses to lose. Because when Van Damme's Dux steps onto the mat, Bloodsport isn't just a sport. It's a war.

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